Monthly Archives: October 2015

The objective of this study is to investigate of the performance of the commission of document evaluation in the scope of the assistance institutions the health of the Federal University of the Bahia, with special approach in the criteria adopted in the evaluation of the handbook of the patient, through study of case and direct comment intensive type interview. The study object is the units of health of the Federal University of the Bahia: University hospital Edgar Professor Saints (Clinical), Climrio Maternity de Oliveira and the Medical Service University Professor Rubens Brazil. In the first chapter they have it introduction of the research, evidencing the problematic one of the boarded subject, the adopted objectives, justification and procedures. In as the chapter it approaches the relative questions to the documentary management evidencing its origin, evolution, phases, concepts and documentary evaluation. The third chapter points the thematic one of the research, that is the handbook of the patient. It still approaches what service of medical archive and statistics and the permanent commission of document evaluation. Finally, contextualiza the case study, telling a little of the description of the searched units and the results of the research.

Today in the world contemporary the organizations come having difficulty in itself to adapt in the new changes, the market not only demands in new technologies and also new techniques to manage. It exists a competition incited in the conquest of marked, companies searching new routes methods to gain the success and to reach its objectives. Plus this she will only be possible if they to change the focus for improvements continue innovations, products, customer and finally the profit, the company who not to establish this goal consequently will close the doors. The management consists of manages, direction and control of the company publish or private with or without lucrative ends. To analyze and to evaluate the objectives of the organization being mounted a strategical one thus aiming at the reach of the goals. As N3OBREGA (2004) to manage or to make the management is to become productive & lsquo; & rsquo; saberes& rsquo; of some fields of the knowledge and, thus to generate a result. The administration takes care of of the part of the human resources, financial and material congregated in organized, dynamic units with the focus in the reach of the objectives of the organization, also providing satisfaction those that get the product and services and the ones that execute the work. The manager must not only know the company more yes the way in which it this located, in this way it will only be able to tacar goals and strategies to reach the objectives. We pass now to a subject that to the times is forgotten, being ones of the tool of extreme importance for the success of any company, & lsquo; & rsquo; ORGANIZACIONAL& DIAGNOSIS; rsquo; & rsquo; to identify internal and external problems and decides them with effectiveness is difficult task for many organizations nowadays, they appears is passed by disregarded. All the one sectors necessary organization of specific cares to execute its functions, always appears problems in these areas, the sector of RH, Production, administrative and in others, if the same ones will not be decided the company can have enormous losses financially or even though in the credibility.

This exactly program disponibiliza you vary the news on relationship and special education and thus joining technology and education of the users inside of the program. Bringing for inclusive education we have these agencies as great allies, to who to appeal. The state as it happens for the most part of the process divides the departments, thus each entity is responsible to the project considered it. It would be demagogy to say that we have excellent education in our state or country. However they are governmental bodies and not governmental that in its bigger part make the difference, when the business is to educate and to reeducar. The not governmental entities work of free form, as a not mentally ill system to the mechanical model of the process. The inclusive education is transformed to each process and inquired into great symposiums and lectures of spreading of the education, the metamorphosis is a total natural process, therefore the best form is searched to educate a special pupil.

This is a work not only governmental, a work of commanded form must be made, and the more favorable elements will have to carry through such activities, more we will have possibility to have inside so dreamed success of the inclusive education. The speech concerning the inclusion of people with deficiency in the school is subject that not only says respect leads it and controllers politicians, but also mainly to the medias, the spreading of this ascending work could better be used to advantage inside of the miditico world. The moment of the inclusive education also is related inside of the propaganda an example of this is in the work and in the social spaces in general, it has spread quickly between educators, familiar, leader and leading politicians, in the entities, the medias, it is clearly this not yet is everything. The great difference is to propagate and to act instantaneously.