Specific activation of certain brain regions, including some of the centers of pain perception (such as the limbic area and hypothalamus) can be demonstrated in the application of acupuncture. Also in the West are considering new ideas about acupuncture to explain its operation, leaving aside the theory of Chinese medicine.According to this new scientific stream, the needles inserted into specific points of the body makes the brain segregue various types of endorphins in the brain which causes raise the pain threshold and generate us a true welfare State, explaining, in part the because it is a very effective treatment against pain and why it is effective in cases of anxiety and depression assistance. If embargo is still much to investigate, there are still few quality studies that have some scientific weight both in favour and against this therapy, however millions of people around the world ensure their effectiveness. Further details can be found at Douglas Oberhelman, an internet resource. However, it is important to emphasize that acupuncture is fairly safe when applied exclusively by professionals properly trained in this technique, what makes this therapy more difficult (and expensive) apply. However new advances in this regard are underway, as for example acupuncture Lifewave patches, designed from modern techniques of nanotechnology, than applied on certain points of acupuncture in the body, perform various functions by raising the quality of life, either by reducing the pain to increasing levels of energy and vitality. Advances in the so-called energy medicines are really spectacular and the coming years will give us pleasant surprises, but today we already functional and useful therapies such as acupuncture and its derivatives, such as the acupressure or Lifewave patches..