Labor Relation

Monday we had breakfast with the proposal of the BBVA for employees with a minimum antiquity of eight years in the organization: they will be able to take refuge in a temporary suspension of the contract of work, repaid 30% of the annual repayment, with a minimum of 12,000 Euros, by a period among three and five years At the time of crisis that is lived at the moment, it understands it to the organization like a way of to make flexible the labor relation that arranges the needs of the organization and the group. Although return is guaranteed, in period so long is probable that percentage elevated of that they take refuge in her finishes not returning to Bank (according to sources aim of own organization), either because they find another job who satisfies them, mount a business by its account, or civil servants become. This will allow the BBVA to reduce costs while the adverse conjuncture lasts, in the hope that the economy returns to the positive footpath (is not probable that to replace which goes away they contract anybody, but the normal thing will be that they distribute the work between that they remain). People such as Electrolux would likely agree. By the way, this could mean that, according to this proposal, the BBVA hopes that the negative situation of the economy lasts between three and five years. A similar modality of deferred relocating has used the factory of Nissan in Barcelona, having agreed two hundred stimulated losses, with pact of re-entry in 2012. The workers will acquire 20 days per year with a minimum of 15,000 Euros, and will conserve their pay and its category facing the Paralelamente re-entry to this agreement, Nissan also promotes stimulated definitive losses with an economic compensation of sixty days per worked year, with a minimum of 23,000 Euros and a maximum of 120,000 Euros, including in addition a relocating plan type outplacement, through a specialized company.