The crisis occurrence is literalmenteuma occurrence that oscillates between high and the highest degree of risk, but pelaposse of the hostage as guarantee for the provoker of the critical event desconsideramosa difference enters the bore of the involved firearms in the occurrence. Thus, we classify as occurrence of highest risk. We understand that borrowed of refmso people surprised for the Policy in crime detected in the act esquizofrnicos, manacosdepressivos and paranicos. It is standed out that the limitation is apenasem reason of the elaboration of this workmanship. In accord with the SENASP, main oobjetivo of the Military Policy when if to come across with an occurrence decrise is to negotiate eposteriormente to preserve the life of the enclosed ones for the critical event, to apply the law to the hostage borrower.
For this, procedimentosbasilares is to isolate, to contain, to set in motion the Specialized Unit and to negotiate umasoluo for the end of the occurrence. 2.O INTERVENTION DOG TACTICS the dog of tactical intervention, Dog deAssalto, Dog of Intervention and Dog of Tactical Assault are terms derived English dadenominao Assalters for aequipe from Tactical Intervention that also has its derivations in the denomination. It is a special dog, balanced or comalto drive (impulse) of hunting when ' ' ligado' ' one drive of normal fight. One cocom high drive of fight could instinctively be ' ' acionado' ' at the missed moment, therefore it is a very aggressive dog. Normally, it is an unstable and inadequate dog parOperaes Special with hostage whose risk of accident for mordedura in pessoasdiferentes of the PEC is previsible. Valley to cite that high drive of estassociado hunting the possessividade in way, that duly trained to canalize corretamenteessa obsession, stubbornness for a specific mission will be intent nelaat cumpriz it exactly with the risk of the proper life. ' ' With the dogs it would nopoderia to be different, attempting against it possibility to dehaver some low police woman, despertou the necessity of the dogs not to be dependents of seuscondutores, having to focar its energies in missode to locate and to neutralize the PEC, exactly that it has that to sacrifice the suavida one.