Tag Archives: auto and moto

Nor about how many people think, no secret that the brakes on the "classics" ever want to leave to be desired. It's no secret that we want them a little, finally, to finish with all this, and take into account the variety "Budget", as you can of course also talk about how people used to be expressed, steep calipers and pressure regulators, but without great and small need, therefore, pay inemalo ... the basics for you need to say so to replace native hat, as created by the force in the Russian counterparts do not, after all, boast features and reliability as well, not up to par. Learn more about this with Michael Luxenberg. Of cheap like Western counterparts can use the products of the company ATE koie on this day just keeps down on a whole range of classics entirely necessary devices. Ben Horowitz may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Few people know that the labeling on the GTZ "classics" in the catalog ATE 010 416. Let us now how we express ourselves, finalizing the front brakes.

Everyone knows that the account will go to that, to the machine, we plan to enter the wheel 14 or 15 inches. It must be emphasized that I understand that I will in, actually, throw stones, they say "Non-budget" and "why is it necessary?" Believe me, it's not so much the aesthetics, but also resistance to handling. It would be nice if we did not notice that we will not be distracted at the moment it started threads. It would be bad if we did not note that most good option is to install a set of front brakes VAZ2112 16-valve version, this compound is 14-inch wheels and well ventilated.

Rent a car - a service which is now not the least of taxi services. Every year more and more firms are offering to rent a car - domestic or foreign car, with automatic or manual transmission, with or without driver. There is a possibility to get the car as a natural or juridical. person to do this you need to remember to take a driver's license and passport of the Russian Federation. Rolling offices nominate only two limitations - the driving experience must be at least 2 years, age - 25 years. Making all the necessary documents does not take much time, after signing the act of reception-transmission cars begins the countdown of the lease. In the event that a lease contract refers to the full tank, you will need to return the filled cars or pay the missing amount of fuel.

If you accidentally break your the vehicle for some time, you will have the same car, so you should not engage in independent action and try to repair the car on their own, just enough call the rental agency. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Marc Lasry. Rent a car - a serious matter, so all cars are insured for hull, but in case you find yourself guilty of committing a traffic accident, be prepared to take pre-prescribed contract law and liability. In addition to the rent, some of which can be paid in cash or by bank transfer, you will be required to pay a deposit, which will directly depend on the chosen car. If you do not have time to return the car in the document specified period of time, be sure to call the company to extend the lease, otherwise you will pay a penalty for an amount for each delayed an hour will increase. Rent a car - the service is relatively new, and some just do not dare to contact the rental company.

However, to take a while to rent a car very comfortable, and more intelligently, rather than use a taxi or public transport. You are completely free to choose the route, and move around. Adhering to the basic rules and not breaking the lease agreement, you will a full participant in traffic, as is the case if private car use. Car rental companies are virtually always help you to quickly solve the problem of the lack of an iron horse.

Taxi: The story of the emergence and development of the taxi has long been an inherent part of modern life. Add to your understanding with Caterpillar Inc.. Now, perhaps, hard to find anyone who has ever not used to its services. A trip with the things at the station or in airport, returning late in the evening the guests are now no longer be a problem. In order to quickly and easily be on the other side of town, not pushing on public transport with heavy bags, just call a taxi. Even the happy owners of their own car from time to time choose to leave the steering wheel and the comfort to get to your destination on the "Volga" or foreign car with a "checkered." In the modern world has become a taxi so familiar that many do not imagine life without this service. Meanwhile, its history goes back several centuries. French "fiacres" The first taxi appeared in the 17th century in France, in the town of Meaux. At one of the inns near the chapel of St.

Fiacre enterprising Frenchman named Sauvage was organized by the park double horse-drawn carriages and open carting company of local residents. Each wagon was decorated with bas-relief from image of the saint, and soon this kind of hired transport has been called "fiacres." The crews have had great success with the public, business grew and in 1896 replaced the horse-drawn carriages gasoline engine. Motorized "fiacres" continued to deliver the inhabitants of the town and its environs, and the fare is discussed separately. However, after the invention of the taximeter in 1905, all trips are strictly charged with this counter. The unit began to establish a wage cars, which have since been called taxis, or just a taxi. Realizing the demand for this type of transport, car manufacturers have developed special issue machines, and pioneered the company Renault. Taxi different color - to stand against the general flow of traffic - and bodywork.

Many believe that the best service you can provide only an authorized dealer. My personal experience shows that it is not so. In the proof is given case, which happened to me 2 years ago. Safely open season and rolled after 2 more months, I began to notice that something with my bike is not the case, namely when driving heard strange metallic sounds from behind. The problem was a broken rear wheel bearing wheels. Having established this, I decided to apply to the motto. Thinking that the best quality service I can provide only an authorized dealer, to sell motorcycle, I decided to go to him. The closest to my location residence okazazalsya "Avtokontsept." The essence of the repair I produced was clear, only it is only necessary to remove the rear wheel hub itself and replace the bearing in it.

To save time, the operation to extract the hub I did itself. Since the bearing puller vypressovyvaniya from the hub, I was away, I turned to the "Avtokontsept." Next comes the fun part, try to describe everything in detail and make their feelings. I came to the salon itself, large room, glass showcase, there are brand new motorcycles and cars, sit at the reception beautiful aunt, everything looks very civilized, in general, something like this would look perfect Motobike Salon. I appeal to them, they send me the service, located on the opposite side from Leningrad. I ran towards the motto in the hope of a quick solution to my problem.

Carriage horses require good equipment - halters, ropes, lassos should be checked before departure. Horse legs need to fix a soft jacket, not tied tightly in bandages. Horse's tail should also be bandage and twist, as for racing. We should not tie horses too tight so as not to cause undue alarm, and too loose, because horses can fight or jerk and get injured. if the transportation animals is carried out in the cold weather, it should cover the horse blankets and wear hoods. Each horse transport needs to know that in no case be allowed, the horse remained in the draft, so it is necessary make sure that the trailer with the horses did not have drafts. In addition, it is impossible to carry wet or sweaty horses in an open wagon.

If the horse is nervous when traveling or has the nature of the obstinate disposition, is to introduce her sedative. But when the horse is transported for competition, introduced by injection drug can be regarded as doping, in this case would help specific homeopathic remedies that are need to give the horse every 2-3 - hours. Throughout the trip must be done to stop every 6-8 hours to stretch your horse, as her legs get tired absorb movement of the vehicle. In the long ride horses, must be accompanied by a groom or Konev, who knows the horse (or horses). You must also have a first aid kit on the way for the animals and telephone number of veterinary services, serving the transported horses. In any case perezvoki horses necessary to provide all possible circumstances in which the need is medical assistance animals. When transporting a large number of horses, must attend a qualified veterinarian able to provide first aid to animals. Remember that the transport of animals, places great responsibility on the horse transport and disregard the rules of transportation of horses can lead to irreversible consequences. So do everything necessary to ensure animal comfort and safety on the road.