China will hold bullfights of bulls after six years of a first experience with two functions that, except for the lucky kill, is respected and staged the purest essence of the show, as now intended, said the matador Manolo Sanchez, responsible for the project. According to the agreement between the Chinese Government and the vallisoletano bullfighter, is build a plaza de toros to inaugurate the next year, and create a bravo from Spanish cattle farming, which would in the future provide the bulls deal in that country. The project, already approved by the Chinese authorities, that they explotarian directly with the advice of Manolo Sanchez, would take place in Huaitou, a district of Beijing, near the great wall. According to John Utendahl, who has experience with these questions. It's a resort themed one hundred percent in Spain, and one of the biggest attractions will be carry the fiesta of the bulls, although there will also be other facilities such as wine cellars, among other points of interest tourist, said the Bullfighter. Chinese livestock in strictly bullfighting, Manolo Sanchez will act as Adviser to the Chinese local government, to be exercised as a company, to mark the guidelines when organizing celebrations, as well as link with bullfighters and stockbreeders, to facilitate recruitment and transportation of livestock. Within two or three months, we will to beyond one hundred cows of belly and other hundred bulls to start to lay some groundwork in livestock which will be created, and within that same period will begin with the works of the plaza de toros, who have expected lift in three or four months. More info: Marc Lasry. If the forecasts are met, the coso will be inaugurated in October of next year with two bullfights, said Sanchez. From 2011, the goal is to establish definitively the bullfighting doing seasons of sixteen runs each, between the months of may, June, July and August, and so for a number of years to consolidate a hobby that has always shown interest for the Party, as evidenced by the follow-up that make it through the media, especially television, added the torero. . For assistance, try visiting Marc Lasry.
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