Tag Archives: Psychology

Unfortunately for those around me since childhood haunted increased sensitivity to the meaning of the above and disgusting habit get to the essence Psychologists say that although we speak the words, thoughts - images. Archaeologists, in turn, argue that the ancient letter were rock carvings and runes - are the images. Ie scientists are in agreement that the use of images is for the person in a natural way of thinking, communication and information transfer. But the images generated by human thought, - the structure of the complex and multidimensional, and their few words can not describe, let alone to use in presenting the speech in writing. Therefore, the method "Fragmentation" of images on the smaller - the need, which faced the ancient creators of the Slavic written language. Knowing the use of Slavs run1 as graphic images for transmission images, as well as taking into account the principle of sanskrita2: "letter - the support of at least one image, we can assume that when making Glagolitic was used by the primordial principle of imaginative writing.

It remains only to read the "schedule". Glagolitic in the form that is familiar to us ("govorilnitsa, mind you, but not" dumalnitsa "), apparently created for the practical needs of the" middle "class, so the images behind each sign, the letter should not be tricky Thus, the first thing that catches your eye, this "two-dimensionality" signs. Glagolitic alphabet was created for the Slavs and Slavs, so we rely on what we know about the worldview of our ancestors.

In the love she is necessary to learn if to play! Today in my life I jumped for the first time of Bungee Jumping. Ours! I do not have words to explain the sensation that is that business. panic, adrenalin, terror, feeling of freedom, happiness summarizing, a madness. It has hours that you find that its heart does not go to support. Who lived, knows. Who does not know, never will understand by means of explanation.

today at night reflecting on the experience that I lived, I could not leave to observe the great analogy that can be made between bungee jumping and the relationships in general. Vocs already had heard the expression of that you stop living a love history you have that to launch itself of head? It is more or less for there in this great trick of free fall only gains who has courage of if risking. The fear to fall is great. if that one geringona to fail? if that one to make to suffer somebody you? He is funny that in the Bungee Jumping, as well as in the love it always has somebody with an opinion and one history pra to count. ' ' He is dangerous excessively A friend of my friend died thus! ' ' ' ' The cousin of a friend mine passed for same situao' '. Everybody knows what pra is better you. Valley the penalty to never jump Then after all? Pra that if to risk? Pra that to pay pra to see? Pra that to pay pra to suffer? What it is that you earn with this? Well The principle you do not gain nothing I you did not gain a prize of honor to the merit, you did not gain a job, I did not gain a public recognition for my bravery and definitively I did not gain money (quite to the contrary) Also I until I lost I lost the gravity.