The Concept

CONCLUSION ' ' Today the sistmico thought is more necessary of what never, therefore in them we more become each time ahead abandoned of as much complexidade' ' (SENGE, 1990). The analysis of the data, points that the participants demonstrate one high degree of satisfaction. Considering all the evaluated item, of the characteristic satisfaction, the average degree of satisfaction was in 81%, however the 0 variable of satisfaction with the career, the environment of work, position/function and growth demonstrate an average degree of 72,5% satisfaction, what it leads to conclude that the degree of general satisfaction is very good, however the individuals present a less optimistical evaluation in relation to the four last cited 0 variable previously, what allows to conclude that the employees of the located financial institutions in the city of Gravata wait more in relation the workstation, position or function and growth and career, however like it banking work as a whole. With regard to the programs of quality of life in the work, the gotten results lead to the conclusion of that some institutions not yet present programs QVT for its employees or they do not divulge them, since 15.3% of the participants had declared not to have knowledge of activities come back to this end in its workstations. Between that they had answered to possess knowledge of the programs, only 52% are demonstrated satisfied with results and satisfied 53% in a general way with the presented programs. These information indicate that programs QVT in the financial institutions come contributing in bashful way for the maintenance of the quality of life diligent them, front the pressure for results imposed. However, the agreement of the concept of quality of life, on the part of the employees is also a lack. In accordance with the collected data can be observed that the activities developed for the institutions, in the search of to make possible one better quality of life in the work for the employees, is diverse, however can be concluded that the carried through activities more are the labor gymnastics and the express massage and that, perhaps, these is not considered by the collaborators as being action effective for the improvement of the QVT.