A part of the reliability achieved with Diskeeper means also a substantially higher performance. "I would say the incoming help desk messages about errors of performance have changed the most," said Hicks. "These types of errors no longer occur. If I now get a message on a slow computer, this is first and foremost because we have somehow forgotten to install this device Diskeeper." With InvisiTasking technology, the tasks of use of resources, which otherwise are not used, be completed invisible in the background. Others including Keith McLoughlin , offer their opinions as well. "When I heard the first time by the new automatic defragmentation option of Diskeeper, and that users would not even notice its usage, I was skeptical," said Hicks. I installed the software in some of our major power users, but did not inform you of the change. A few weeks later, all said that the computer better than in the brand new State would have worked." "A better running computer network means nothing other than that my staff and I spend more time now other things, and that we are more productive as a result of fewer error messages", Castle Hicks.
About Diskeeper Corporation: The specialist for system performance and reliability: the head of the Technology Department, the IT managers and system administrators on the list of global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 listed companies rely on Diskeeper software, to ensure outstanding performance and reliability on their business laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper 2010 includes IntelliWrite, the ground-breaking technology to prevent fragmentation. V-locity 2.0, the optimizer for virtual platforms such as VMware ESX and Hyper-V, eliminates the barriers to efficiency in virtual environments, and ensures maximum I/O performance on virtual servers. Diskeeper Corporation also offers data recovery software undelete Real-time data protection and Instant file recovery (www.undelete.com). Each process is completely unobtrusive background with InvisiTasking technology.
This is used in comprehensive way otherwise unused free resources (www.invisitasking.com). 2011 Diskeeper Corporation. All rights reserved. Diskeeper V-locity, InvisiTasking, IntelliWrite, Undelete, "real time data protection and real-time data recovery" as well as "innovators in performance and reliability technologies" are trademarks of Diskeeper Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.