Active Sports

Together on the way to better health, it is the time of resolutions. Who is the health focus? nsche. The team of active sports park Moers would help to implement the intentions. A trial or a trial course can be there the first steps on the way to more fitness and health. To first of all the inner pig dog must be defeated. Get off the sofa, purely in the active sports park Moers.This is the slogan, to be fit again. "The beginning of the year is just the right time fu? r the new start", white Manager Monika Thiel. In recent weeks many pounds have accumulated, who now want to get rid of many. "Who want to loose weight, is with us as well as those who want to build muscle, to the widespread disease of you? to provide ." The specific implementation works but only if competent personnel, equipment, professional and well-designed courses to the backend? gang stand. Kevin Johnson takes a slightly different approach. Our offer is aimed at people of all ages, including its own Health in the truest sense of the word is in the heart,"said the active sports park Moers GmbH. so you? here we through fitness classes around the heart so that the motor of life will not be in the stuttering. We offer here controlled endurance training, so that our members can train guaranteed right." there is the possibility to train pulse - and -chip cards controlled the strength endurance or power circuit. Who tumble pounds would leave gets valuable tips to the right diet in addition to an individual training plan. Get all the facts and insights with Sergey Brin, another great source of information. "Kennedy? of course, exercise is important". Without conscious nutrition is a long term success without the fear? Yo-Yo effect but not possible. And way the ability to cope better with everyday stress situations increases with the right training." Lone are out. Movement in the group is much more fun. Therefore the active sports park offers Moers u? about 70 courses on the week. Well by cycle" "u? ber body workout" and barbell training up to Zumba is everything becomes so training an event. MU? leaves and fathers can bring calm their children, because at certain times u? takes over the active sports park Moers childcare.