British David Cameron

The test of the success of memes is in programs of TV that uses the expression ' ' #ficadica' ' , with the same syntax of the Twitter, or in propagandas inspired by videos as ' ' Double Rainbow' ' ' ' David After Dentist' '. ' ' Already a great penetration exists very of what it appears in 4chan and what goes to stop in the global culture pop. We are a base of creation even of grias' ' , it affirms. it knows more Brazilian Encyclopedia goes to show origin of ' memes' of the Creative Internet of trot in web and person who commits barratry they enter in list of the 100 more influential ' ' moot' ' it prevents to place itself above of the site that it created when he had only 15 years. ' ' I am not influential, 4chan ' ' , he affirms Poole, elect in 2008 in popular voting in the magazine Teams as the person most important of the year. The voting, clearly, was adulterated by participants of 4chan. Per many years, the young one if kept in the anonymity, exactly when the site already started to blunt in periodicals and the TV as the point of meeting of the activists hackers of the group ' ' Anonymous' '.

Poole does not believe that it has merit - or it blames - for the sprouting of the movement that in recent years faced governments and companies in the Internet. ' ' Yes, the origins of ' Anonymous' they can be traced until 4chan, but I directly do not see as therefore. ' responsible; ' Nyancat: mixado, remixado and introducing of time in ' mainstream' (Photo: Reproduction) This separation goes of meeting with the vision of the American on the right of if keeping in the anonymity in the Internet, fought currently for giants as Google and Facebook. ' ' The people they deserve to have the right to the anonymity, case they choose to remain thus. Clearly, a half term must exist enters the impossibility of if identitificar the author of an offence, for example, and the constant identification and needs, as in the Facebook.

She would like that the people tried to understand that she is possible to live in this way of the way, instead of defending one extremo.' ' Poole still criticized the censorship in the net, subject that came back to the guideline later that premi British David Cameron suggested that the Facebook and the services of message of Blackberry were disactivated temporarily to contain the recent wave of protests in the country. ' ' It is a step stops backwards, and a dull way to deal with the freedom in the net. In San Francisco, the cellular ones had tried to block the access to prevent a manifestation in the system of suburban trains. What it happened? The manifestation to protest against the blockade finished being bigger that the original protest. It is good for seeing that the people if defend of these aes.' '