Monthly Archives: April 2011

At different times - in different ways. There were birthday parties and at home. Important role in choosing a site is time of year, even though winter can be go on nature and the snow fry station. At my son's birthday in March, when we have raging storms (such is the nature of ), so it marked the birthdays while at home or we go with him to a restaurant (by day, of course), and then to the shops to choose gifts. In summer you can do so at sea if the sea nearby. That file on the table if birthday is celebrated at home, then start preparing for this event need at least a week: make a menu based on the him to procure all necessary foods and beverages, order a cake, unless you are going to bake it yourself. This training will greatly improve mental health on the eve of the holiday.

The literate housewife for 2 days before events begin to cook: cook vegetables for salads, make snacks, which are stored in a refrigerator (all sorts of sharp carrot salad, ferns, etc.). Perhaps the hottest days: the day before and the day immediately celebration. On the eve of being made salads such as Russian salad, pate, seafood salad, aspic, aspic, baked cakes. On the birthday of preparing hot dishes, cut vegetable salad, cut the sausage and cheese. Is not it true tedious procedure, and costs very expensive. Therefore, the perpetrators (especially the culprit 🙂 celebration) is not recommended to take part in all these preparations.

What is your apartment? Quite often this is the place where you live for today and maybe were born. This means that the original design and decoration is the procedure you are bored. In this case, almost all landlord decided to repair - an important step. But now it's time to think about whether you can do cosmetic repairs, or is required to do in his apartment capital? If the repair has been brewing for a long time ago, then Repair turn-key will probably be a good choice. This suggests that the full owners of your home on time will be experienced professionals who are able to reliably implement your wishes. Repair of offices under the key includes an assessment of the existing condition of the premises, an analysis of the possibility of using various advanced materials for repairs and much more. If you plan to built the new house, with individual design, and generally refuse to meet with the neighbors, it should begin by hiring a professional architect, whose services include architectural design of buildings, etc.

Select, fortunately, is from what: proposals cover the demand. Architectural design - that's how you see your future home. Professional architect, taking into account all the demands and wishes, will create a plan for the mansion of your dreams - at home, where it will be comfortable and spacious each member of your family. The second step is suburban turnkey construction - that is, the construction of the building. Turnkey construction - the laying of the foundation, erection of walls, installing plumbing, tiling, laying floors, wiring. A relatively new service in the market is hiring artists who are observing the process of housing construction and they are interested in the quality of work done. Can not imagine the repair of turnkey or turnkey construction without such an important part of how the wiring at home, because the life of your family depends on how well and in good faith will be installed equipment and wiring. It therefore, the wiring of Moscow must be made with all the requirements and recommendations, or entrust execution of the work of experienced experts.

This often entails the invalidity of some documents because of the short duration of their validity, such as a statement of professional records in the Russian Federation, or statement of professional records in the cr. In the end, all results in additional costs from the emigrants and new dates filing. In this case, and after receiving new, relevant documents, the potential emigrant in exactly the same risk of becoming a "vicious circle" again without waiting for their turn. Of course, employees of Czech consulates, This situation does not bother - they are acting within the law "for the admission of documents for emigration to the Czech Republic. Changes in the rules of filing the documents and to restrict the entry of new immigrants was due to planned in December 2007, the entry of the Czech Republic into the Schengen area member countries of the treaty, which requirements were simple and short: "Restrict the flow of cis citizens entering the Czech republic. " "So that we (EU) opened the borders for you (Czech Republic) to the west, it is necessary to close the border to the east." Members to the Schengen agreement is very much afraid of an influx of immigrants from New members of Schengen, which includes the Czech Republic. Massed about that cheap labor is not the best impact on the economic, political and social situation, although, according to many economists, it is not so too true. For information: The Schengen Agreement is nothing but signed June 14, 1985 seven European countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain) agreement on the abolition of passport and customs control between them.

At the moment, "Schengen space" account for 15 European countries. This - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Much to the chagrin of wanting to emigrate to the Czech Republic, took advantage of this situation, enterprising Merrie Men. In particular, in Moscow, all in Embassy was first sold at prices ranging from 250 to 500 euros, and when the nerves of many waiter strained to the limit price, in some cases reached up to 2000 euros. And our fellow citizens, desperate to get through official channels in Embassy, launched without realizing it, raise the demand for this "type of service." October 20, 2007, the last entry to a reception at the embassy in December 2007 with submission of a package of documents under the old procedure. Others have the same apply the rules, which take effect in the first quarter of 2008. We can only hope that these new rules will not close the road to the Czech Republic and the Consular Section can arrange the order of submission package documents for long-term visas.