Guilt And Error

The feeling of guilt is not a personal phenomenon. It only seems. Guilt is what we create in our interior, projecting and letting a series of external loads at the same time. They are external loads and non-standard, collected and planned by others in their everyday actions. They have as main characteristic that are classified as poor or with a some kind of error. Just this error or its interpretation is the key to understand the guilt. Connect with other leaders such as Ralph Fiennes here. That is: the error is what creates the State of guilt, in us or others.

Normally we take the error in a way natural but not healthy, because we do not understand it as a separate entity. By grace and disgrace at the same time, only we can understand it if we isolate it. By the fact that our actions upset in any way to another person, for example, already implies that we've made a mistake. Continue to learn more with: Darcy Stacom. IE: if I, for the reason that is, haven't been able to see the possibility to find out in advance, I'm going to make a mistake or I'm going to annoy the other, can't find logic, moral or just the possibility of be accused me for the mistake I just commit. My stupidity is not my fault. Of this nature is responsible.

And also, my way to perceive and assess the facts is not the same as the other. From here, the only thing I can do is recognize before me and before others my own inability to not know how to not make the mistake. This inability is which basically activates the conflict. In this case, the only thing that could rebalance the balance would be the great capacity of the other know forgive the truth and, in ideal cases, first know forgive if same. Doing so before accusing by who has offended you avoid feeding the conflict and in addition will not create another.