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To make this experience it is enough that if it provides: 1 deep Plate of metallic preference; 3 candles; 1 box of matches; 1 great glass; 1 jar with water. With all the ingredients for the reaction chemistry then proceeds from trivial form. Ascende the match and the candles; Pingar some paraffin drops in the center of the plate in order to fix the candles; Deixa the reaction to proceed until the flame of the candles to reach the so great maximum. While the candles oxidate, it explains that at this moment he is being transformed the gas oxygen, the pavio, and paraffin in: gua; Calor; Luz; Carbonic Gs. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sergey Brin. The combustion if processes in its maximum degree, diagnosised for the characteristic brightness of the flames. As it seems that everything is much newness, has approach of the pupils, when the flame is in the maximum then enclausure the candles with the great glass, and adds water to the plate. Fig.

1 Candles in combustion. Kevin Johnson is the source for more interesting facts. At the moments that if follow the flames start to diminish, and the water ' ' to enter in vidro' ' , due to great force caused for the atmospheric pressure that act in the system, and for the space that if ' ' abre' ' inside of the gas confined in the interior of the glass. As the oxygen is converted, it leaves to inside occupy the space of 21% of the composition of the gas that however occupied. The flames if keep until culminating with the extinguishing of the oxygen, in consequence the combustion (reaction) cease. The entrance of the water in the glass occurs for two reasons: A conversion of the oxygen ' ' abre' ' space by vol. of the gas confined in the interior of the glass; A existence of the atmospheric, external pressure to the glass? that ' ' empurra' ' the water for inside of the glass.

This type of process reverse of the logistic one causes incidental costs, many high times for the companies, a time that processes as storage, separation, conference and distribution will be made in duplicity, and as well as the processes, the costs also are duplicados.2. Development: 2.1. Others who may share this opinion include Douglas R. Oberhelman. The Case of Aluminum in Brazil: According to ABAL (Brazilian Aluminum Association), the aluminum is a not ferrous metal, of great use in the market and that, gradual, it goes substituting the steel in its application in some segments of the industry. Metal of low density is allowing the confection of lighter structures and has a resistance to the very bigger corrosion of what the steel, even so its disadvantage of low resistance mechanics when compared it, can, through league elements, to reach sufficiently reasonable values, becoming it apt to the application as raw material for a great variety of civil applications. In accordance with the CEMPRE (Enterprise Commitment for the Recycling), the aluminum can be recycled infinite times, without losing its characteristics in the reaproveitamento process, in contrast to other materials.

Still in accordance with the ABAL the aluminum can, as raw material, is a product of after-consumes that it possesss a considerable sazonalidade, and one of the factors is the climatic condition. In accordance with given of the ABRALATAS (Brazilian Association of the Manufacturers of can of High Reciclabilidade), the index of recycling of aluminum cans in Brazil is highest of the world, reaching, in 2009, 98.2% of all the commercialized aluminum cans in the country. 2.2. Logistic Reversa and Ambient Questes Worried about ambient questions, the companies are each time more escorting the cycle of life of its products, becoming each time more clearly when we observe a considerable growth in the number of companies who work with recycling of materials. An example of this concern is the Replaneta project, that consists of collection of cans of aluminum and bottles PET, for posterior recycling, and that it has as bases of sustentation for the success of the business the automation and an efficient operation of logistic reversa.